A Brief history of Kamma caste, which is a forward Dravidian caste, located in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, who are Gana Rajya kings, Village Headmen, Warriors, Landlords in the Past...!
Kamma caste is a South Indian Dravidian caste. Thousands of years back some Dravidian language speaking groups came to India and settled here. Dravidians were originally living in upper Egypt and came to india through Mesopotamia, Iran, and Baluchistan. Some Dravidian Groups were in wheatish colour and some Dravidian Groups were in brown, wheatish and white colour at that time. Some of them largely mixed with ancient indians (dark people). The People living in the States Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala are Dravidians. Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayali languages were originated from one ancient dravidian language. You could find nearly 40% of Kammas are in brown and black colour, 50% are in wheetish colour and 10% are in White colour. Anthropolagical surveys also telling that kammas are Dravidians.
Brahmin is the only Aryan caste living in South India. You can find most of them in white or wheatish colour. Some Dravidians and Ancient Indians (dark colour people) mixed with Brahmins in South India as well as in North India. That is why some Brahmins are in black colour. Even though there was mixture of Dravidians and Ancient Indians (dark color people) with them their skin is different from that of Dravidian castes.
Aryans are central asian people came to india around 1500 BC. They were tribals and cattle feeders. Their wealth is cattle. They divided into 3 groups namely Brahmin (Priests), Kshatriya (Worriers), Vysya (Cultivators and Traders) around 1000 BC. They captured some ancient indians and called them as Dasyas & Sudras and used them as slaves. Between 500 BC to 1AD the cultivators were excluded from Vysyas and were grouped as Sudra Catagory. During this time Some Brahmin Groups moved to South India and settled here.
These Dravidian Groups settled in various parts of India. Some dravidian groups settled in South India and Some groups settled in Deccan and Central India before 1500 BC. After Aryans invasion around 1500 BC one Dravidian Group came to Krishna river valley and settled in Krishna,Guntur and Prakasam Districts. They were predominent in that area. During Satavahana Kings Rule some budhists came and set up Budhisam & Karma teaching schools. With that these Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam Dists. were called as Kammarastram/ Kammanadu. After that the ruling class people in Kammanadu were called as kammanativaru / Kammavar.
Kamma is a farward caste in Dravidians like Reddy, Kapu/Telga/Balija, Vakkalinga, Lingayat, Modaliar, Gounder, Nadar, Nair etc. Before 500 B.C. they were mostly cultivators and worriers. They have small ethnic kingdoms.
After 500 BC they worked as Chieftains, Worriers, Jagirdars and Provincial Governers under Vishnukundina, Satavahana, Chalukya, Kakatiya and Vijayanagar Dynasties.